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A full assessment using developmental assessment tools and observations to identify difficulties within the four areas of the SEND Code of Practice. The report that follows aims to enable parents and education staff to make informed decisions regarding the most suitable provision to address the difficulties experienced by a given child. This package is intended to guide the provision mapping of a child with additional needs who does not met threshold for statutory assessment at that given time.

This assessment underpins the child/young person’s behavioural responses and provides clear guidance for parents and education staff to prevent such responses with the support of a multi-disciplinary team where applicable. Behaviour is to be understood as a way of communication and therefore understanding the intended message is key for finding solutions. This package is intended to inform a Positive Behaviour Support Plan.

Parents are invited to analyse the responses from and to their child and together reach agreement on how to support each other in addressing the difficulties experienced in their household. The training entails 5 on-line sessions following a baseline consultation.

SEN Audits lead to robust SEN Provision. This coaching and advisory package aims to provide school leaders with the evidence they need to support their request for grants and emergency funding by producing clear evidence of the deployment of their resources required to make provision for children in the SEN register.